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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Is Sexual Abstinence Possible In Today's Society...If So How??

I'm so happy that this question was brought to my attention because its a topic that I can really relate to and give my honest thoughts and opinions on.

Sexual Abstinence is something that I practice so I have to answer this question by saying yes. Sexual Abstinence is possible in today's society. Its something that takes a strong commitment and a lot of patience. Some people say that most things get easier over time, but in this case I would have to disagree. Abstinence does not get easier with time, in fact it gets harder and harder as time goes on.

The feelings of lust are feelings that can't be ignored or denied which is why a strong commitment and patience is required when practicing sexual abstinence.  The commitment is kind of like being committed to going to work everyday. You go to work everyday because you know in doing so you'll receive your paycheck. Well there are benefits to reap in practicing sexual abstinence. For one thing you don't have to worry about any STD's or unwanted pregnancy. Some may argue that if protection is used during sex then STD's and pregnancy isn't something that has to be worried about. However no protection is 100% effective that includes condoms, and/or birth control. Other benefits include self-respect, self-worth, and respect of others. Patience is needed because as I said before it does not get easier and patience is something we all need when faced with hard situations because impatience doesn't really make the situation better.

Temptation is going to become present when practicing abstinence. When it does the most important thing to have is self-restraint or self-control. One must be able to control ones self when faced with a tempting situation. If you can't control yourself it becomes easier to give into the temptation.

As I said before the feelings of lust are feelings that can't be ignored. I find that focusing my attention on something else helps me get through the moment. I read a book, write, I pray I even talk about how I'm feeling with someone I know I can trust and who won't judge me. Just because this works doesn't mean it will work for others. Many people have different ways of getting through the feeling of lust. I know someone who exercise when she's feeling sexually frustrated and I know someone else who eats chocolate when she's sexually frustrated. I mean what ever works try it and it doesn't work keep trying different things until you find whatever will help you.
